Sunday, September 29, 2013

How to Create and Put Ads in Sidebars

By Krys Thomas
To earn an income from your website you need to either be a vendor selling goods or become an affiliate selling vendor ads and earning a commission from their sales. It is best to start by placing affiliate ads on your site.
Creating and Advertisement
First create your ad (advertisement) - whether it be AdSense, Clickbank, Amazon, or any other making sure you are using the correct size ads.
To put an advertiser's ad on your site, you first need to join the particular company that is the agent for the vendor or affiliate.
Google AdSense
This is the advertising that most people start with. Go on the Google AdSense site and fill out the easy application form. This usually takes 2 or 3 days to get approval. Once approved you log in to their site with the log in details you supplied on the application. You will find there are many recommended sizes to choose from, both horizontal and vertical. There is also a choice of whether to have text only, a mixture of text and image ads or image ads only. Experiment with these to see what gives you the best results. You can use their default color scheme of blue and green or customise the colors to match your website. Once you have finished customizing press on get code. Copy this code and put into the text box in the sidebar as explained below.
After joining Clickbank, you can go into their Market Place and find ads suitable for your site. Once you have found an affiliate you would like, you will see many have their own ads already made, ready for you to copy and put into your sidebar widget.
Amazon is easy to join and has many variations of ads including slide shows. You will find their instructions are very easy to follow with great ads.
Placing Ads in Sidebars
To begin with, before you get hang of judging widths of sidebars, try putting a 120x600 in the sidebar and once it shows, you will soon see whether the advertisement is the correct size or too narrow You may need 160 size or on wider sidebars often 200 or 250 width is fine and all these sizes are usually available in AdSense and other affiliates ads. You will find after doing it for a while you will soon be able to have an educated guess on the size.
Once you have created the ad, go to the available widgets in the widget section and move a text box over to where you want it to show in the sidebar. You will be able to move the text box up or down until you get your desired position A new text box will appear in available widgets for you to use if more are required.
Enjoy experimenting with your ads and you have the option of changing them at any time.